ANIMATO (it.) — To be played in a lively or animated manner
About the academy
Located in South Austin, Animato Piano Academy offers engaging, high-quality piano instruction to students of all ages and skill levels. Dr. Vivian Anderson’s teaching style is nurturing yet disciplined. She approaches each student with patience and kindness, creating a lesson plan tailored to each individual student. Lessons center around repertoire, technique, music theory and history, and performance skills, giving students a well-rounded musical education. Dr. Anderson’s main goal as a teacher is to inspire a passion and appreciation for music in every student.
Lesson lengths offered
Lesson lengths of 30, 45, and 60 minutes are offered. Young students may begin their musical journey with weekly 30 minute lessons, but many students will want to progress to weekly 45 minute lessons after 3-6 months of study. Advanced students may take more than one lesson per week.
Dr. Anderson aims to strike a balance between fun and discipline. Learning piano is a skill that requires dedication and diligence. Students should practice at least five days per week, arrive to lessons on time and prepared with materials, and participate regularly in performances and recitals. Parental involvement is key, especially with younger students. Parents are responsible for making sure their child has a good instrument to practice on and setting up a regular time each day for the student to practice.
What sets Animato apart from other academies
Dr. Anderson has three degrees in piano performance from top music schools, where she studied with some of the leading piano pedagogues in the country.
Lesson environment
Come take your lessons in a home-studio on a beautiful Steinway B piano. The quiet atmosphere is a significant departure from noisier music academies. Students will be free from distractions and able to focus solely on learning piano.
Dr. Anderson is caring while simultaneously holding students to a high level of accountability. Only through dedication will students achieve their musical goals.
“To study music, we must learn the rules.
To create music, we must break them.”
— Nadia Boulanger